In the world of document management and digital communication, PDF files reign supreme as the universal format for sharing, viewing, and preserving content. Adobe Reader, a household name in the realm of PDF readers, has long been the go-to choice for millions of users worldwide. However, for Linux enthusiasts, particularly those using Ubuntu, finding the perfect PDF solution can be a challenging quest.

In this article, we delve into the realm of Adobe Reader for Ubuntu, offering a comprehensive guide to help you harness the full potential of this powerful PDF tool within the Linux ecosystem. Whether you’re a seasoned Linux user or just beginning your Ubuntu journey, understanding how to effectively use Adobe Reader can significantly enhance your document management and collaboration experience. Let’s explore how Adobe Reader seamlessly integrates into the Ubuntu environment, providing you with the tools you need to handle PDFs with ease and efficiency.

Adobe Acrobat Reader Installation Guide for Ubuntu 22.04

Discover how to efficiently install Adobe Acrobat Reader on Ubuntu 22.04 through this comprehensive guide, detailing every step to ensure a smooth installation process.

Step 1: Securely Downloading Adobe Acrobat Reader

Begin with downloading the Acrobat Reader’s Debian (.deb) package. This is a specially designed package to be compatible with the Debian based systems, such as Ubuntu.

wget -O ~/adobe.deb

Keep in mind, depending on the network speed and server connectivity, the download duration may vary. Patience is key here!

Step 2: Activation of i386 Architecture

Once the package is securely on the system, it’s essential to enable the i386 architecture. This architecture is significant for running 32-bit software on 64-bit Linux systems.

sudo dpkg –add-architecture i386

For the changes to take effect and to synchronize the system repositories, always make sure to update the system:

sudo apt update

Step 3: Prepping with Prerequisites

Before diving into the main installation, there are some prerequisites that need to be taken care of. These are vital libraries and modules ensuring the optimal performance of Adobe Reader on a Linux environment.

sudo apt install libxml2:i386 libcanberra-gtk-module:i386 gtk2-engines-murrine:i386 libatk-adaptor:i386 libgdk-pixbuf-xlib-2.0-0:i386

Step 4: Smooth Installation of Adobe Acrobat Reader

With all the prerequisites in place, it’s time to install the Adobe Reader on the Ubuntu 22.04 system. Execute the following command for a seamless installation:

sudo dpkg -i ~/adobe.deb

Step 5: Diving into Acrobat Reader

Celebrate the successful installation by launching the Adobe Acrobat Reader. Commence with the following command:


Once initiated, a user agreement will appear. To proceed, it’s crucial to accept this agreement.

The interface of the Acrobat Reader will be displayed. To start viewing or editing a PDF, simply navigate to the ‘File’ tab, then ‘Open’. Browse and select the desired document to launch.

Remember, Adobe Acrobat Reader is a versatile tool for PDF viewing, editing, and more. Always ensure to keep it updated for the best user experience and to access the latest features and security patches.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve delved into the intricacies of installing Adobe Acrobat Reader on Ubuntu 22.04. We’ve seamlessly executed user-friendly Linux commands to facilitate the installation of this indispensable software. With this completed installation, you’re now equipped to effortlessly set up the reader on your system and seamlessly access and manage PDF documents. We extend our warmest wishes for a productive learning journey!